Texas Weekly Online

NH court sides with public school districts in education spending case

New Hampshire should be spending at least 80% more per pupil on public schools, a judge said Monday in one of two rulings that could force significant changes to education funding. Lawmakers have been grappling with the issue for decades after the state Supreme Court ruled in the 1990s that the state is required to Read More

Tennessee Supreme Court justice announces retirement

Tennessee Supreme Court Justice Roger Page announced on Monday that he plans to retire in August 2024. In a statement from Tennessee’s court system, the 68-year-old said his time as a judge has been humbling, inspiring and the honor of a lifetime. He was first appointed to the high court by former Republican Gov. Bill Read More

Wisconsin Gov. Evers vetoes ‘completely unserious’ $2B tax cut

Gov. Tony Evers on Monday vetoed a $2 billion Republican tax cut bill, calling it “completely unserious.” Evers’ veto was expected, as he opposed the GOP plan from the moment it was introduced as a substitute to the Democratic governor’s own workforce development package. Evers has previously vetoed a similar income tax cut passed by Read More

Former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s home tagged with ‘Nazi’ graffiti

The Michigan home of U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel, who is Jewish, was defaced with “Nazi” graffiti. A picture of the tagging was posted online by Emanuel’s friend, former adviser to President Obama David Axelrod, who denounced the antisemitic attack. The picture shows a wooden fence outside Emanuel’s Michigan home vandalized with the word Read More